

Wherever Christ murderers gather, the cross is mocked, God is blasphemed, the Father is not recognized, the Son is offended and the Holy Spirit is rejected. If the rites of the Jews are so sacred and venerable, then our way of life must be wrong. But if we go the right way, as is the case, then they go a deceptive way.


quoted from Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Hitler's willing executors, Berlin 1996, 72.

Author Bio:

Turkey, John Chrysostom (344 or 349 - 407)


John Chrysostom was Archbishop of Constantinople in the 4th century and is revered today as one of the greatest Christian preachers. Throughout his life he attracted attention through his ascetic way of life as well as through his critical attitude towards state and church authorities. Because of his countless anti-Jewish sermons, he is considered an early founder of Christian anti-Judaism.

Further Reading:
