glokal e.V.
Lausitzer Str. 10
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
+49 (0)30-39712136
info[AT]glokal[DOT]org |
Illustrations: Lena Ziyal – graphic designer and illustrator, Berlin
Programming: Stin Priza – technology collective, Athens
We are grateful to Canan Turan, Ceren Türkmen, Christian Kopp, Clare Land, Hajdi Barz, Jamie Shearer, Momme Schwarz, Nadine Golly, Red Haircrow, Susanne Schultz, Timo Kiesel, Tsepo Bollwinkel and Zuher Jazmati for participating in the research, Laura Graf, Vincent Dold, Philipp & Philipp and Saskia Fischer for the editing and the English translations.
Our Data Protection Guidelines are available here.
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Unless specifically noted otherwise, the website’s texts are reproduced under the following license: