

Indeed, THE HOLOCAUST has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through their use, one of the strongest military powers in the world with a terrifying human rights record has put itself in the role of a victim state, and the most successful ethnic group in the United States has also achieved victim status. This seemingly captivating role of victim results in considerable dividends – especially the immunity to criticism, however justified.


Norman G. Finkelstein, Die Holocaustindustrie. How the suffering of the Jews is exploited, Munich 2001, 5.

Author Bio:

USA, Norman G. Finkelstein (1953-) Finkelstein is a Jewish-American political scientist specializing in Holocaust studies and the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Finkelstein published a number of books on both subjects. He gained international fame through the controversy associated with his book "The Holocaust Industry" in 2000. DePaul University in Chicago refused him promotion to full professor in 2006 because of the dispute related to the book.

Further Reading:
