He who hung the earth in its place is hanged. / He who fastened the heavens is fastened to the cross. / He who fastened all things is fastened to the wood. / The Lord is reviled, God is murdered ./ King Israel was slain by Israelite hands.
Melitio von Sardes, Passover Homilie, quoted by Karl-Erich Grözinger, Die "Gottesmörder, in: Julius H. Schoeps / Joachim Schlör (ed.), Bilder der Judenfeindschaft, Augsburg 1999, 57.
Author Bio:
Turkey, Melitio of Sardis (ca.120-185)
Melitio of Sardis appeared in the 2nd century as Bishop of Sardis in what is now Turkey. He is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.
His writings about the Jews as murderers of God, published between 160 and 170, are considered important sources for the development of Christian anti-Judaism. Melito saw the destruction of the temple as well as the suffering of the Jews in the Diaspora as a consequence of their god-murder.
Further Reading:
Christlicher Antijudaismus, ein Wegbereiter des Antisemitismus - juedspurenhuenfelderlands Webseite!