

They are the Lord’s murderers, slayers of the prophets, hateful rebels against God; they trample the law, resist grace, and disdain the beliefs of their fathers. They are extras of the devil, a race of snakes, traitors, darken in their brains, cursed, despicable, enemies of all that is beautiful.


Gregor von Nyssa, Patrologie grecque de Migne, 46,685; quoted in Leon Poliakov, History of Antisemitism, Vol. 1 From antiquity to the Crusades, Worms 1979, 21.

Author Bio:

Palestine, Gregory of Nyssa (around 335/340 - after 394) Nyssa was born in Caesarea in the 4th century. He was ordained bishop of Nyssa in 372 and enjoyed the reputation of a saint and doctor of the church in the Orthodox Church.


His doctrine of God became known primarily through the merging of Christian and Platonic thought. His main work, the "Great Catechetical Prayer" emphasizes the correctness of Christian teaching towards Jews and Gentiles.

Further Reading:
