If we have to drive our people to paradise with sticks, we will do it!
Vincent Tucker (1999): 11
Author Bio:
Abel Alier (born in 1933) was Vice President of Sudan from 1971 to 1982.
This quote from the former Sudanese Vice President clearly articulates the violence that is often inherent in major development projects. The sentence was a response to the Dinka and Nuer peoples’ opposition to the Jonglei Canal Project which threatened their entire way of life. Construction was started in 1974 by Egypt and Sudan, but the giant canal was never completed. The damage that it would likely have produced included droughts and groundwater pollution in South Sudan (sudantribune.com, 26.05.2007).
Further Reading:
Vincent Tucker (1999): The Myth of Development. A Critique of a Eurocentric Discourse. In: Ronaldo Munck / Denis O’Hearn (Hrsg.): Critical Development Theory. Contributions to a New Paradigm. London: Zed Books, S. 1-26.