Colonialism 15


§2 (1) In the German colonies, marriages of Germans or foreigners with: 1) Natives; 2) Relatives from the non-German areas of Africa, Australia and the South Sea Islands; 3) Mixed race people with native blood or with blood of one of the peoples listed under no. 2; 4) Mixed race people from unions of members of the sections of the population mentioned under numbers 1 to 3 prohibited.
(…) Section 6 Members of the sections of the population named in Section 2 Nos. 1 to 4 who have sexual intercourse with a white woman in the German colonies shall be punished with death.


Kum’a Ndumbe III. (1993): Was wollte Hitler in Afrika? NS-Planungen für eine faschistische Neugestaltung Afrikas. Frankfurt: IKO, p. 270f.

Author Bio:

This text comes from the draft of the colonial blood protection law of the German National Socialists (undated, approx. 1940), Bundesarchiv- Koblenz, R 22/2365.


Deutsche KolonialgesellschaftAfter the First World War, the German Reich was stripped of all its colonies by the Treaty of Versailles. Because of its ‘cruel oppression’ and ‘forced labour’, Germany had failed ‘in the field of colonial civilization’ (Gründer 2012: 258). Although at first Hitler wanted to conquer "living space in the East", there had always been colonial efforts in Asia and Africa, especially after the end of 1937. The interest in colonial conquest was nurtured especially ‘in the Foreign Office and the Navy, and not least, in private companies, at the forefront of the latter, the Berlin and Hanseatic shipping and trading companies, but also [at] Deutsche[n] Bank’ (Linne 2008). In December 1940, the Axis powers divided the world between themselves: ‘Germany and Italy were to dominate “neighbouring” Africa and the Near and Middle East, while Southeast Asia and Oceania were left to Japan’ (Rheinisches JouralistenInnenbüro & recherche international 2008: 43).

Further Reading:

*Rheinisches JournalistInnenbüro (2008): URL: Die Dritte Welt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Unterrichtsmaterialien zu einem vergessenen Kapitel der Geschichte. *Karsten Linne im Interview (2008): Die NS-Kolonialplanungen für Afrika. *Horst Gründer (2012): Geschichte der deutschen Kolonien. Paderborn: Schöningh.
