We will no longer tolerate the conditions of a colonial reality that is more than 500 years old. This applies to all current discourses and practices, to theories, to debates and to work practice. We will no longer allow our perspective on the field of migration and development to be dictated to us by governmental and non-governmental representatives, by full-time and voluntary actors, by established or newly emerged sponsors.
move global (2017): Versuch eines Paradigmenwechsels, p. 17.
Author Bio:
Lucía Muriel is a psychologist, activist and networker in Berlin who works to ensure that global justice is understood in a way that is decolonial critical of racism.
The colonial power to define black and white discourses, politics, culture and the body was denounced by the psychiatrist Frantz Fanon (1925-1961), who advocated decolonisation at several levels. Decolonisation means recognising, challenging and overcoming colonial patterns. It refers not only to the independence of formerly colonised states, but also to social, cultural and individual dimensions of colonisation, e.g. not letting majority society dictate what migration means for a migrant, as Lucía Muriel makes clear in this quote. Decolonisation means empowerment and liberation from domination.
Further Reading:
*Ismahan Wayah (2017): Wir schreiben Geschichte. In: glokal: Connecting the Dots. Lernen aus Geschichte(n) zu Unterdrückung und Widerstand. S. 10.
*Raykamal Kahlon (2017): Du hast gesagt, es würde nicht wehtun. Verkörperte Pädagogik. In: glokal: Connecting the Dots. Lernen aus Geschichte(n) zu Unterdrückung und Widerstand. S. 82.