The modern view of nature is ultimately also the background against which women’s work, colonial areas and peasant production are seen as economically irrelevant […].
Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen (2010): Geld oder Leben. Was uns wirklich reich macht. München: oekom. S. 26
Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen (born 1944) is an Austrian ethnologist and sociologist.

The consequences of the ongoing destruction of the conditions necessary for life worldwide by the prevailing industrial system and lifestyles in rich countries and classes can no longer be overlooked. Nevertheless, such lifestyles are considered to be desirable goals for people across the world. From an ecofeminist perspective, underlying this exploitation are the devaluation of women, nature, and non-Western societies. A different perspective would involve seeing people as part of nature and treating nature, fellow human beings and other societies with care and respect.
Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva (2014).
Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books.