For months, German media commented extensively on developments and events relating to the refugee issue. Most of these commentators were white journalists, politicians, migration researchers, or volunteers. The voices of refugees always sounded more of a marginal note. In the rare cases in which they were allowed to have their say, they were only given a few lines or, at best, seconds. In narratives about them, refugees serve primarily to affirm majority society’s consensus about them. They are not narrators, but objects in the story which is being told.
Sinthujan Varatharajah (2015): Das Selbstgespräch brechen: Perspektiven auf Asyl von ehemaligen Geflüchteten.
Author Bio:
Sinthujan Varatharajah (born 1985) is a political geographer based in Berlin.

Further Reading:
Sinthujan Varatharajah (2014): The Walls the West Won’t Tear Down.