Poland, Piotr Rybak, 2019
Quote Category: Antisemitism
This timeline uses contemporary as well as historical sources that are related in the field of anti-Semitism. The quotations are from a resistant or reproducing perspective. The method invites you to experience new facets of the topic. The selection of quotations makes it possible to talk about anti-Semitic continuities of the last 21st centuries as well as about the individual forms and tendencies of anti-Semitism.
The following questions will be answered by using this timetable:
*What different manifestations of anti-Semitism have existed in history and how are these narratives transferred to the present day?
*How is the construction of power relations used by anti-Semites in their argumentation?
*What culturalist-racist ideas exist and exist about Jewish people?
*What resistance was and is there against anti-Semitism, especially from a Jewish perspective”
Unfortunately wrong answer
Try again!
The answer was
Read the solution on the "line with the dots" (there where you can re-read all the quotes)
A new confrontation with international Judaism is imminent. We should be prepared for it
A new confrontation with international Judaism is imminent. We should be prepared for it
Author Bio:
Public Speech 2019, Auschwitz.
Piotr Rybak, a convicted Polish nationalist and open anti-Semite, at a right-wing extremist Polish demonstration on the 74th anniversary (2019) to commemorate the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp from the Nazis.
Further Reading:
After my school was closed by the Nazis, my mother arranged that I could work as a trainee in Dr Helmy’s illegal practice on Krehfelder Strasse, so that I could later become a nurse.
After my school was closed by the Nazis, my mother arranged that I could work as a trainee in Dr Helmy’s illegal practice on Krehfelder Strasse, so that I could later become a nurse.
Author Bio:
Romania, Anna Bros, 1937
Aussageprotokoll BpB “Anna und Mohammed”
Anna Boros was born in Arad, Romania in 1925. When her parents split up, she moved with her mother to live with her grandmother in Berlin. When the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the life of the family changed: As a Jew, Anna was no longer able to attend school or complete an apprenticeship due to National Socialist legislation. Her wish to become a pediatric nurse, which initially seemed possible in a Jewish children’s home, is thwarted by the closure of all Jewish institutions. Due to the expropriation of the family business, Anna cannot start training there either. With the beginning of the deportation of Jews, the persecution of the family increased: Anna, her uncle and her grandmother went underground in 1942. Your doctor, the Berlin-based Egyptian Dr. Mohamed Helmy, helps the family go underground and also provides them with food. With his support, she survived the Shoah and remained in deep friendship with Helmy until her death. Source: Statement protocol, BpB “Mohammed & Anna”, 1937.
Further Reading:
Igal Avidan – Mod Helmy
I had to give up my habitualiation and I was forced to leave the hospital because my contract ended and they didn’t want to renew it. I was not employed at any other hospital.
I had to give up my habitualiation and I was forced to leave the hospital because my contract ended and they didn’t want to renew it. I was not employed at any other hospital.
Author Bio:
Egypt, Mohammed Helmy, 1937
Statement protocol, BpB “Mohammed & Anna”, 1937.
Mohamed Helmy, also Mod Helmy, was an Egyptian-German doctor who made it possible for several Jews and other persecuted people to survive in hiding in Berlin at the time of National Socialism. In 2013 he was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, as the only Egyptian among around 70 Muslims to date.
Further Reading:
Igal Avidan – Mod Helmy
May 8th has to be a public holiday! (…) The attacks in Halle, in Hanau (…) are very painful. We need to remember more, not less. Make different experiences visible. The colonial legacy of the German Reich, as well as the theming of police violence. Within the Black Lifes Matters movement, the post-migrant society, those affected demand not only visibility in the present, but also for the past.
May 8th has to be a public holiday! (…) The attacks in Halle, in Hanau (…) are very painful. We need to remember more, not less. Make different experiences visible. The colonial legacy of the German Reich, as well as the theming of police violence. Within the Black Lifes Matters movement, the post-migrant society, those affected demand not only visibility in the present, but also for the past.
Author Bio:
Germany, Esther Bejarano, 2020
Speech on Liberation Day, May 8th, 2020, Hamburg.
Esther Bejarano was a German Jewish survivor of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. She played with Anita Lasker-Wallfisch and others in the Auschwitz girls’ orchestra. Later she became involved in the association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime – the Association of Antifascists.
Further Reading:
The idea of a good and normalized Germany is opposed to a reality in which people still have to fear that the police will pass on their addresses to Nazis, that weapons are hoarded and that explosives will simply disappear from the stocks of the Bundeswehr. And the anticipation of gratitude for the (not only) Jewish reconciliation obscures the fact that the German history of violence is not over because one side wants it to be. But that it continues to create life-threatening realities in new formations and perpetuate injustice. In the face of this situation, the equation of memory and reconciliation must be called for what it is: an expression of the needs of a section of this society which is ashamed of its actions and wishes this unpleasant story to be resolved very soon. The hope contained therein for normalization from the national anthem to home is part of this wishful thinking. That may be understandable, it may also be politically opportune – but it does not apply to all people who live in this country. And who are heartbroken about what has been done to them and their families. And it will stay that way.
The idea of a good and normalized Germany is opposed to a reality in which people still have to fear that the police will pass on their addresses to Nazis, that weapons are hoarded and that explosives will simply disappear from the stocks of the Bundeswehr. And the anticipation of gratitude for the (not only) Jewish reconciliation obscures the fact that the German history of violence is not over because one side wants it to be. But that it continues to create life-threatening realities in new formations and perpetuate injustice. In the face of this situation, the equation of memory and reconciliation must be called for what it is: an expression of the needs of a section of this society which is ashamed of its actions and wishes this unpleasant story to be resolved very soon. The hope contained therein for normalization from the national anthem to home is part of this wishful thinking. That may be understandable, it may also be politically opportune – but it does not apply to all people who live in this country. And who are heartbroken about what has been done to them and their families. And it will stay that way.
Author Bio:
Germany, Max Czollek, 2021
Max Czollek is a freelance Jewish author and poet born in East Berlin.
Federal Agency for Civic Education, 2021.
He did his doctorate at the Center for Research on Antisemitism in Berlin. His best-known works include “Desintegriet dich” (2018) and “Gegenwartsbewältigung (2020).
Further Reading:
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=A8EEC67324B8DCF8D0E3A8EEC67324B8DCF8D0E3&q=max czollek friday night jews&shtp=GetUrl&shid=178d3300-a806-4a0b-9190-bc0d58156cd6&shtk=4oCcSWNoIGJpbiBlaW4gc2NobGVjaHRlciBKdWRl4oCdIC0gTWF4IEN6b2xsZWsgenUgR2FzdCBiZWkgRnJlaXRhZ25hY2h0IEpld3MgfCBXRFI%3D&shdk=RGFuaWVsIERvbnNrb3kgaGF0IGdla29jaHQgdW5kIGJpdHRldCBhbSBTY2hhYmJhdC1BYmVuZCB6dSBEaW5uZXIgdW5kIERpc2t1cnM6IGhldXRlIHNlaW5lbiBhbHRlbiBTY2h1bGZyZXVuZCBNYXggQ3pvbGxlayAtIFB1YmxpemlzdCwgT3N0YmVybGluZXIsIEp1ZGUsIHNvIGJlc2NocmVpYnQgQ3pvbGxlayBzaWNoIHNlbGJzdC4gQXVmIGRlbiBUaXNjaCBrb21tZW4ga2FsdGUgQm9yc2NodCAoUm90ZS1CZXRlLVN1cHBlKSB1bmQgZ3LDvG5lciBQZmVmZmkuIFVuZCB2aWVsZSBGcmFnZW4genVtIErDvGRpc2Noc2VpbiB1bmQgenVyIGVpZ2VuZW4gSWRlbnRpdMOkdC4gRGVyIFNjaGF1c3BpZWxlciB1bmQgLi4u&shhk=bDsUB8c0TMIl7v01dxPmh7o5w1%2F%2FdTsoGLMUOvpvmg8%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.slGDJpcKfyiVe8NSPrB0pgHgFo
It seems that the Germans will never forgive us for Auschwitz
It seems that the Germans will never forgive us for Auschwitz
Author Bio:
Austria-Hungary, Zvi Rix, 1968
The Jews in Germany now, Leo Katcher 1968.
Born in Austria-Hungary in 1909, the Jewish doctor first worked in Vienna. After the National Socialists came to power, he fled and devoted himself to psychoanalysis with a focus on generational trauma processing. He emigrated to Israel where he lived until his death.
Further Reading:
Death is a master from Germany, his eye is blue he hits you with a leaden bullet he hits you exactly a man lives in the house of your golden hair Margarete he incites his males on us he gives us a grave in the air he plays with the snakes and dreams of death is a master Germany your golden hair Margarete your ashen hair Sulamith
Death is a master from Germany, his eye is blue he hits you with a leaden bullet he hits you exactly a man lives in the house of your golden hair Margarete he incites his males on us he gives us a grave in the air he plays with the snakes and dreams of death is a master Germany your golden hair Margarete your ashen hair Sulamith
Author Bio:
Ukraine, Paul Celan, 1968
Paul Celan was a Jewish German-speaking poet who was born in Chernivtsi (today Ukraine) in 1920.
“Todesfuge”, The sand from the urns 1968.
His name was originally Paul Antschel, later Romanized Ancel, from which the anagram Celan arose. Paul Celan is considered one of the most important German-speaking poets of the 20th century.
Further Reading:
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=C320A35F78FE11C8B585C320A35F78FE11C8B585&q=celan todesfuge&shtp=GetUrl&shid=37b84559-bfd1-4955-9ba9-eadaf1ac5301&shtk=UGF1bCBDZWxhbiBUb2Rlc2Z1Z2U%3D&shdk=TWl0IGRlbiBHZW1DJGxkZW4gZGVzIERldXRzY2hlbiBNYWxlcnMgQW5zZWxtIEtpZWZlciBiZWdsZWl0ZXQuIEluIDE5NDUgZ2Vib3JlbiwgZ2VoQzZydCBkZXIgTWFsZXIgenUgZGVyIE5hY2hrcmllZ3NnZW5lcmF0aW9uIGRldXRzY2hlbiBLQw%3D%3D&shhk=wRLqtYJqIY6rCsR61rcVpXEO91b%2Brt61wW8g3YcyEJY%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.RicxtTPiJF_otPWFSVbcHgEsDh
Diversity in all its forms is first and foremost a reality, a general condition. It is an opportunity to enable encounters and learning experiences. It is a means and not an obstacle to unity. It is a treasure for humanity as it is part of the intangible heritage. Identity is a fundamental part of the individual. It is not monolithic, but can be multiple. It brings together different realities: religious, national, cultural, linguistic and others. We see our identities as inclusive: as sources of fulfillment and rootedness that enable us to open up to others and to get to know their identities.
Diversity in all its forms is first and foremost a reality, a general condition. It is an opportunity to enable encounters and learning experiences. It is a means and not an obstacle to unity. It is a treasure for humanity as it is part of the intangible heritage. Identity is a fundamental part of the individual. It is not monolithic, but can be multiple. It brings together different realities: religious, national, cultural, linguistic and others. We see our identities as inclusive: as sources of fulfillment and rootedness that enable us to open up to others and to get to know their identities.
Author Bio:
France, Samuel Grzybowski, 2014
Samuel Grybowski, born in Paris in 1992, is a Jewish social entrepreneur.
Public Speech, Paris 2014.
In 2009 he founded Coexister, an association for encounters between people of different religions and worldviews. Today, Coexister is Europe’s largest interreligious youth organization.
Further Reading:
Wherever Christ murderers gather, the cross is mocked, God is blasphemed, the Father is not recognized, the Son is offended and the Holy Spirit is rejected. If the rites of the Jews are so sacred and venerable, then our way of life must be wrong. But if we go the right way, as is the case, then they go a deceptive way.
Wherever Christ murderers gather, the cross is mocked, God is blasphemed, the Father is not recognized, the Son is offended and the Holy Spirit is rejected. If the rites of the Jews are so sacred and venerable, then our way of life must be wrong. But if we go the right way, as is the case, then they go a deceptive way.
Author Bio:
Turkey, John Chrysostom (344 or 349 – 407)
quoted from Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Hitler’s willing executors, Berlin 1996, 72.
John Chrysostom was Archbishop of Constantinople in the 4th century and is revered today as one of the greatest Christian preachers. Throughout his life he attracted attention through his ascetic way of life as well as through his critical attitude towards state and church authorities. Because of his countless anti-Jewish sermons, he is considered an early founder of Christian anti-Judaism.
Further Reading:
How do we earn from such noble, great saints that they [the Jews] are so hostile to us? (…) We do not curse them, but wish them all the best, physically and spiritually, accommodate them with us, let them eat and drink with us. We do not steal or pound their children, we do not poison their water. We do not thirst for their blood. How do we earn such cruel anger, envy and hatred of such great holy children of God.
How do we earn from such noble, great saints that they [the Jews] are so hostile to us? (…) We do not curse them, but wish them all the best, physically and spiritually, accommodate them with us, let them eat and drink with us. We do not steal or pound their children, we do not poison their water. We do not thirst for their blood. How do we earn such cruel anger, envy and hatred of such great holy children of God.
Author Bio:
Germany, Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Martin Luther is considered a radical reformer of the medieval Protestant church. His posting of the 95 theses on the castle church in Wittenberg, in which he questioned the infallibility of Catholic authority, led to the division of the church. Luther’s theologically based anti-Judaism branded the Jews as the worst enemies of Christianity who necessarily incurred God’s wrath. Parts of his resentment were reactivated in the modern anti-Semitism of the 19th and 20th centuries.
On the Jews and their Lies, first edition Wittenberg 1543, 92.
Further Reading:
The international Jewish banker, who has no fatherland, but plays all countries off against each other, and the international Jewish proletariat, who wanders from country to country to seek economic conditions that are convenient for them, are to be found behind all the problems that the world faces today worry. The immigration issue is Jewish. Likewise the question of money. The same goes for the confusions of world politics. The terms of the peace treaty are Jewish. It is the question of morality in cinemas and on stage.
The international Jewish banker, who has no fatherland, but plays all countries off against each other, and the international Jewish proletariat, who wanders from country to country to seek economic conditions that are convenient for them, are to be found behind all the problems that the world faces today worry. The immigration issue is Jewish. Likewise the question of money. The same goes for the confusions of world politics. The terms of the peace treaty are Jewish. It is the question of morality in cinemas and on stage.
Author Bio:
USA, Henry Ford (1863-1947)
Henry Ford was an American industrialist and automobile manufacturer, best known for founding the Ford Motor Company.
Henry Ford, Der internationale Jude, Leipzig 1937.
Ford’s technological, socio-political and economic approaches, in which in particular the expansion of production through the division of labor and rationalization were conceived, defined the production of goods after the First World War to a large extent under the term “Fordism”. Ford published a large number of anti-Semitic publications, including the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which was then known as a forgery.
Further Reading:
In all peoples in which Jews lived as tolerated or still live today, they turned out to be disruptors of inner peace and thus destroyers of national communities that had become natural. The Old Testament of the Bible, which the Jews claim contains their story, is at the same time the story of peoples who were materially and spiritually ruined by the Jews. However, the Jew has not shown himself to be the only disruptor of natural development in peoples. He is also the destroyer of peace among the peoples.
In all peoples in which Jews lived as tolerated or still live today, they turned out to be disruptors of inner peace and thus destroyers of national communities that had become natural. The Old Testament of the Bible, which the Jews claim contains their story, is at the same time the story of peoples who were materially and spiritually ruined by the Jews. However, the Jew has not shown himself to be the only disruptor of natural development in peoples. He is also the destroyer of peace among the peoples.
Author Bio:
Julius Streicher (1885-1946)
Julius Streicher was editor of the anti-Semitic propaganda newspaper “Der Stürmer”, the leading anti-Semitic propaganda newspaper under National Socialism.
Julius Streicher, The Striker, October 17, 1940.
Joined ethnic movements at an early stage, he took part in the so-called Hitler Putsch in 1923, which earned him Hitler’s trust. After the transfer of power to the Nazis, Streicher was made head of the “Central Committee to Repel Jewish Atrocities and Boycotts”. In the Nuremberg trials, the court sentenced him to hang up for crimes against humanity in October 1946.
Further Reading:
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=C0BAED96B28B4212D5B3C0BAED96B28B4212D5B3&q=julius streicher&shtp=GetUrl&shid=7bb31e73-be37-42a1-854b-37eb59d99144&shtk=RGVyIEp1ZGVuaGV0emVyIC0gSnVsaXVzIFN0cmVpY2hlciBEb2t1IERldXRzY2g%3D&shdk=SnVsaXVzIFN0cmVpY2hlciAoKiAxMi4gRmVicnVhciAxODg1IGluIEZsZWluaGF1c2VuIGJlaSBBdWdzYnVyZzsg4oCgIDE2LiBPa3RvYmVyIDE5NDYgaW4gTsO8cm5iZXJnKSB3YXIgZWluIG5hdGlvbmFsc296aWFsaXN0aXNjaGVyIFBvbGl0aWtlci4gRXIgd2FyIEdyw7xuZGVyIC4gSnVsaXVzIFN0cmVpY2hlciAoKiAxMi4gSnVsaXVzIFN0cmVpY2hlciAoKiAxMi4gRmVicnVhciAxODg1IGluIEZsZWluaGF1c2VuIGJlaSBBdWdzYnVyZzsg4oCgIDE2LiBPa3RvYmVyIDE5NDYgaW4gTsO8cm5iZXJnKSB3YXIgZWluIG5hdGlvbmFsc296aWFsaXN0aXNjaGVyIFBvbGl0aWtlci4gRXIgd2FyIEdyw7xuZGVyIC4uLg%3D%3D&shhk=t0MSPrjlnhUkDL0PrUO%2FXvU5Z3bPC0wu%2FbkyoEr%2Bv%2Bc%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.MYBgn_UkgM1sRSfEqVddSQEsDh
One suspects that this disgrace is directed against the capital and Germany, which is newly formed in Berlin. However, no matter how much the muscles swell, one will not dare to keep the center of Berlin free from such a monstrosity, out of consideration for the New York press and the sharks in legal attire.
One suspects that this disgrace is directed against the capital and Germany, which is newly formed in Berlin. However, no matter how much the muscles swell, one will not dare to keep the center of Berlin free from such a monstrosity, out of consideration for the New York press and the sharks in legal attire.
Author Bio:
Germany, Rudolf Augstein (1923-2002)
Rudolf Augstein, We are all vulnerable, Der Spiegel, 11/30/1998.
Augstein was born in Hanover in 1923. As a Wehrmacht soldier, Augstein was deployed on the Eastern Front as a radio operator and gunner. After the war, he first worked as an editor for the “Hannoversche Nachrichtenblatt” before founding the news magazine “Der Spiegel” in 1947 with two colleagues. He was editor of the magazine until his death.
Further Reading:
Every ceremony in West Berlin and in West Germany suppresses the fact that the Kristallnacht of 1938 is repeated daily by the Zionists in the occupied territories, in the refugee camps and in the Israeli prisons. The Jews expelled by fascism have themselves become fascists who, in collaboration with American capital, want to eradicate the Palestinian people.
Every ceremony in West Berlin and in West Germany suppresses the fact that the Kristallnacht of 1938 is repeated daily by the Zionists in the occupied territories, in the refugee camps and in the Israeli prisons. The Jews expelled by fascism have themselves become fascists who, in collaboration with American capital, want to eradicate the Palestinian people.
Author Bio:
Germany, Black Rats Tupamaros West Berlin (1969-1970)
Schwarze Ratten TW, Schalom und Napalm, leaflet, in: AGIT 883, No. 40 from 13.11.1969, 9.
Tupamaro’s black rats emerged from the subcultural milieu in West Berlin and were officially founded in 1969. Based on the city guerrilla concept of South America, the group saw itself as part of the internationalist and anti-imperialist movement. An essential part of their ideological orientation was a pronounced anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, which found expression in a bomb attack on the Jewish parish hall in Berlin’s Fasanenstrasse on November 9, 1969. After leading figures were arrested, the group disbanded in July 1970.
Further Reading:
Indeed, THE HOLOCAUST has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through their use, one of the strongest military powers in the world with a terrifying human rights record has put itself in the role of a victim state, and the most successful ethnic group in the United States has also achieved victim status. This seemingly captivating role of victim results in considerable dividends – especially the immunity to criticism, however justified.
Indeed, THE HOLOCAUST has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through their use, one of the strongest military powers in the world with a terrifying human rights record has put itself in the role of a victim state, and the most successful ethnic group in the United States has also achieved victim status. This seemingly captivating role of victim results in considerable dividends – especially the immunity to criticism, however justified.
Author Bio:
USA, Norman G. Finkelstein (1953-)
Finkelstein is a Jewish-American political scientist specializing in Holocaust studies and the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Norman G. Finkelstein, Die Holocaustindustrie. How the suffering of the Jews is exploited, Munich 2001, 5.
Finkelstein published a number of books on both subjects. He gained international fame through the controversy associated with his book “The Holocaust Industry” in 2000. DePaul University in Chicago refused him promotion to full professor in 2006 because of the dispute related to the book.
Further Reading:
So the Jew is a dead man to the living, a stranger to the natives, a vagabond for the natives, a beggar for the haves, an exploiter and millionaire for the poor, a patriot for the patriot, a competitor hated for all classes.
So the Jew is a dead man to the living, a stranger to the natives, a vagabond for the natives, a beggar for the haves, an exploiter and millionaire for the poor, a patriot for the patriot, a competitor hated for all classes.
Author Bio:
Poland, Leon Pinsker (1821-1891)
Pinsker was born in a small town in what is now Poland, the son of an orientalist.
Leon Pinsker, “Autoemancipation!”, Berlin 1882, 13
Pinsker gave up his desire to pursue a career as a lawyer due to the restrictions on admission for Jews to universities. This experience, as well as the impressions of the pogroms that flared up at the end of the 19th century, led him from his former assimilationist attitude to a Zionist position, which he described in his book “Autoemancipation! – Reminder to the tribal comrades “formulated. Today the work is considered to be one of the most important early Zionist writings.
Further Reading:
We are one people, one people. Everywhere we honestly tried to drown in the people community around us and only to keep the faith of our fathers. You don’t allow it. In vain are we loyal and in some places even exuberant patriots, in vain do we make the same sacrifices in goods and blood as our fellow citizens, in vain do we strive to increase the fame of our fatherlands in the arts and sciences, to increase their wealth through trade and commerce. In our fatherlands, where we have lived for centuries, we are shouted out as strangers; often by those whose families were not yet in the country when our fathers sighed. The majority can decide who the stranger is in the country; it is a question of power, like everything in international trade. I am not revealing anything of our obsessed good law when I say this as an individual who is already without a mandate. In the present state of the world and probably in the foreseeable future, power takes precedence over right. So, in vain, we are good patriots everywhere, like the Huguenots who were forced to migrate. If you leave us alone … But I think we will not be left alone.
We are one people, one people. Everywhere we honestly tried to drown in the people community around us and only to keep the faith of our fathers. You don’t allow it. In vain are we loyal and in some places even exuberant patriots, in vain do we make the same sacrifices in goods and blood as our fellow citizens, in vain do we strive to increase the fame of our fatherlands in the arts and sciences, to increase their wealth through trade and commerce. In our fatherlands, where we have lived for centuries, we are shouted out as strangers; often by those whose families were not yet in the country when our fathers sighed. The majority can decide who the stranger is in the country; it is a question of power, like everything in international trade. I am not revealing anything of our obsessed good law when I say this as an individual who is already without a mandate. In the present state of the world and probably in the foreseeable future, power takes precedence over right. So, in vain, we are good patriots everywhere, like the Huguenots who were forced to migrate. If you leave us alone … But I think we will not be left alone.
Author Bio:
Hungary, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)
Herzl is considered a central figure in modern Zionism. He was born in Pest, today’s Budapest, in 1860 to an assimilated Jewish family. With his work Der Judenstaat, published in 1896.
Theodor Herzl, Der Judenstaat, Attempt at a Modern Solution to the Jewish Question, Leipzig / Vienna 1896, 12-22.
Attempting to find a modern solution to the Jewish question, Herzl reacted to the apparently anti-Semitic trial against Artillery Captain Alfred Dreyfus that had taken place in Paris just two years earlier. Within the Zionist movement, Herzl’s writing advanced to become a pioneering vision of a Jewish state to be created in Palestine.
Further Reading:
What can we do other than resist? (…) It will not be easy to retaliate for their crimes against our people, because every step we take will meet with massive and arbitrary retribution. (…) But the fate of our people on this one is already certain. The sentence has been sealed with the blood of millions of helpless Jews. We can either die with them or try to avenge their deaths. Our vengeance will have to be rampant and merciless.
What can we do other than resist? (…) It will not be easy to retaliate for their crimes against our people, because every step we take will meet with massive and arbitrary retribution. (…) But the fate of our people on this one is already certain. The sentence has been sealed with the blood of millions of helpless Jews. We can either die with them or try to avenge their deaths. Our vengeance will have to be rampant and merciless.
Author Bio:
Poland, Gusta Dawidsohn-Draenger (1917-1943)
Gusta was born in Cracow to an Orthodox Jewish family. In her youth she joined the Zionist youth group Akiva, for whose newspaper she wrote articles and was on the board of directors.
Jochen Kast (ed.), The diary of the partisan Justyna, Berlin 1999.
After the outbreak of World War II, she played a key role in coordinating the Jewish resistance against the Nazis. Together with others – among them her husband Shimshon Draenger – she smuggled weapons, organized hiding places and fought with partisans in the surrounding forests. In November 1943 she and her husband were murdered by the Germans. Between January and March 1943 she recorded her extensive memories on a roll of toilet paper in prison.
Further Reading:
Once the Jews had emigrated, they could come into contact unhindered with their racial comrades from the rest of the world and do more damage to the deserted country than before. […] In addition, the Jews were getting closer to their goal of establishing a Jewish nation state” […]. I would like to allow myself to draw your attention to the fact that it would be very appropriate and more appropriate to prevent the Jews from emigrating from your country and to send them to where they are under strong control, e.g. to Poland. This avoids their danger and does a good, grateful deed towards the Arab people…
Once the Jews had emigrated, they could come into contact unhindered with their racial comrades from the rest of the world and do more damage to the deserted country than before. […] In addition, the Jews were getting closer to their goal of establishing a Jewish nation state” […]. I would like to allow myself to draw your attention to the fact that it would be very appropriate and more appropriate to prevent the Jews from emigrating from your country and to send them to where they are under strong control, e.g. to Poland. This avoids their danger and does a good, grateful deed towards the Arab people…
Author Bio:
Palestine, Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini (1895-1974)
Al-Husseini was an Islamic clergyman and Palestinian Arab nationalist from one of Jerusalem’s most influential families. He became known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Sönke Zankel: The Jew as Anti-Muslim. In: Niklas Günther, Sönke Zankel (Ed.): Abrahams Enkel. Stuttgart 2006, p. 48.
Amin al-Husseini played a decisive role in the spread of modern anti-Semitism in the Arab region and the cooperation between Islamist anti-Semites and the National Socialists. He was a staunch supporter of the extermination of European Jews in the German Reich and in the areas occupied by Germany. He made contact with the National Socialists, won support from German leadership circles and lived in Berlin from October 1941 until the end of the Second World War. During this time he became a member of the SS and carried out propaganda for Germany in Arabic. In the late stages of the World War, al-Husseini helped mobilize Muslims for the Waffen SS in the Balkans. After the war, al-Husseini was wanted as a war criminal in several European countries and handed over to the French authorities after his arrest in Switzerland. After France, England and the USA for strategic reasons refrained from indicting Husseini as a war criminal, he found asylum in Egypt in 1946, from where he pursued his ideas. As a result of the massive flight of Palestinians that began with the Palestinian War of 1948, he lost his political leadership position, which eventually passed to the PLO under Yasser Arafat.
Further Reading:
David Motadel – Für Prophet und Führer – die islamische Welt und das dritte Reich
He who hung the earth in its place is hanged. / He who fastened the heavens is fastened to the cross. / He who fastened all things is fastened to the wood. / The Lord is reviled, God is murdered ./ King Israel was slain by Israelite hands.
He who hung the earth in its place is hanged. / He who fastened the heavens is fastened to the cross. / He who fastened all things is fastened to the wood. / The Lord is reviled, God is murdered ./ King Israel was slain by Israelite hands.
Author Bio:
Turkey, Melitio of Sardis (ca.120-185)
Melitio of Sardis appeared in the 2nd century as Bishop of Sardis in what is now Turkey. He is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Melitio von Sardes, Passover Homilie, quoted by Karl-Erich Grözinger, Die “Gottesmörder, in: Julius H. Schoeps / Joachim Schlör (ed.), Bilder der Judenfeindschaft, Augsburg 1999, 57.
His writings about the Jews as murderers of God, published between 160 and 170, are considered important sources for the development of Christian anti-Judaism. Melito saw the destruction of the temple as well as the suffering of the Jews in the Diaspora as a consequence of their god-murder.
Further Reading:
Christlicher Antijudaismus, ein Wegbereiter des Antisemitismus – juedspurenhuenfelderlands Webseite!
They are the Lord’s murderers, slayers of the prophets, hateful rebels against God; they trample the law, resist grace, and disdain the beliefs of their fathers. They are extras of the devil, a race of snakes, traitors, darken in their brains, cursed, despicable, enemies of all that is beautiful.
They are the Lord’s murderers, slayers of the prophets, hateful rebels against God; they trample the law, resist grace, and disdain the beliefs of their fathers. They are extras of the devil, a race of snakes, traitors, darken in their brains, cursed, despicable, enemies of all that is beautiful.
Author Bio:
Palestine, Gregory of Nyssa (around 335/340 – after 394)
Nyssa was born in Caesarea in the 4th century. He was ordained bishop of Nyssa in 372 and enjoyed the reputation of a saint and doctor of the church in the Orthodox Church.
Gregor von Nyssa, Patrologie grecque de Migne, 46,685; quoted in Leon Poliakov, History of Antisemitism, Vol. 1 From antiquity to the Crusades, Worms 1979, 21.
His doctrine of God became known primarily through the merging of Christian and Platonic thought. His main work, the “Great Catechetical Prayer” emphasizes the correctness of Christian teaching towards Jews and Gentiles.
Further Reading:
We want to give Judaism the position in our public and state life which it accords according to God’s clearly and clearly revealed will. God scattered the Jews into captivity among all peoples as a punishment. It is therefore a sin for a Christian nation to abandon its most sacred public and state affairs to the prisoners of God and thereby to the cooperation of anti-Christian influences. As Christians we have the duty to grant the Jews protection and justice, to put them as fellow human beings before the civil law completely on an equal footing with us, but to exclude them in principle from our citizenship, not because they are Semites or Jews, but because they are non-Christians (Antichrists ) are.
We want to give Judaism the position in our public and state life which it accords according to God’s clearly and clearly revealed will. God scattered the Jews into captivity among all peoples as a punishment. It is therefore a sin for a Christian nation to abandon its most sacred public and state affairs to the prisoners of God and thereby to the cooperation of anti-Christian influences. As Christians we have the duty to grant the Jews protection and justice, to put them as fellow human beings before the civil law completely on an equal footing with us, but to exclude them in principle from our citizenship, not because they are Semites or Jews, but because they are non-Christians (Antichrists ) are.
Author Bio:
The electoral association of the German Conservatives, founded at the end of the 19th century, was characterized by a strictly Christian, national-conservative program.
Electoral Association of the German Conservatives (ed.), Shorthand report on the General Conservative Party Congress, Berlin 1893, 21-22.
Part of it was a pronounced hostile attitude towards social democracy, anarchists and Jews, each of whom they described as subversives without a fatherland or as disintegrators of German-Christian popular life. The Protestant theologian and politician Adolf Stoecker had no small influence on the anti-Semitic and anti-socialist thrust of the association.
Further Reading:
A hundred refugees, another ferry / Because the Freemasons want to fuck us […] / Boy, I don’t talk crap because I was there / When these bombs break in the bazaar / As with the brothers in Baghdad and Gaza […] / And this bleeding one Heart, yes, it beats for / For my home and freedom of the people / But until then it means to keep fighting / Because the Freemasons want to fuck us
A hundred refugees, another ferry / Because the Freemasons want to fuck us […] / Boy, I don’t talk crap because I was there / When these bombs break in the bazaar / As with the brothers in Baghdad and Gaza […] / And this bleeding one Heart, yes, it beats for / For my home and freedom of the people / But until then it means to keep fighting / Because the Freemasons want to fuck us
Author Bio:
The German rapper SadiQ is one of the most controversial German rappers today.
SadiQ “Heimat”
In his 2011 song Heimat (Heimat) he uses the anti-Semitic thesis of the “Great Exchange”, which is particularly widespread in the new Rake. This racist and anti-Semitic narrative is based on a Jewish elite who ship Muslims en masse to Europe in order to destabilize this continent. Therefore a resistance against Jewish and Muslim life should be legitimized. The assassin in Halle used this argumentation pattern to radicalize himself.
Further Reading:
We cannot save the world. We have already tried twice to save the world and it went wrong. […] Globalists and socialists agree on one point: the contempt of ordinary people, their bourgeois life, their culture and their claim to want to determine their own lives.
We cannot save the world. We have already tried twice to save the world and it went wrong. […] Globalists and socialists agree on one point: the contempt of ordinary people, their bourgeois life, their culture and their claim to want to determine their own lives.
Author Bio:
Hans Georg Maaßen (born 1962) was President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution between 2012 and 2018. In 2021 he ran for the CDU for the federal election.
Twitter Hans Georg Maaßen January 10th, 2021
Maassen has been thinking about entanglements in the new right-wing milieu for years. On Twitter, as on other social networks, he is increasingly using ciphers and codes of the new rights.
Further Reading:
The Zionists say they need their state because of the Holocaust. The truth is just the opposite. They needed the Holocaust for their state. […] The Torah teaches us to live devotedly and not to provoke. Had the Jews adhered to the Torah and its teachings during the Holocaust, the worst atrocities could have been prevented. Following the teachings of the Torah now means preventing a second Holocaust.
The Zionists say they need their state because of the Holocaust. The truth is just the opposite. They needed the Holocaust for their state. […] The Torah teaches us to live devotedly and not to provoke. Had the Jews adhered to the Torah and its teachings during the Holocaust, the worst atrocities could have been prevented. Following the teachings of the Torah now means preventing a second Holocaust.
Author Bio:
Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Neturei Karta spokesman. Neturei Karta is an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group with around 5000 members worldwide.
Speech on January 27, 2014 in Berlin.
They reject the establishment of the State of Israel for religious reasons, and use Holocaust denial and other anti-Semitic narratives in their argumentation models.
Further Reading:
Anyone who criticizes Ariel Sharon is placed in the corner of anti-Semitism by certain people in Germany. I forbid that in the strongest sense. I fear that hardly anyone has attracted more popularity to the anti-Semites that exist in Germany, unfortunately who we have to fight, than Mr. Sharon and, in Germany, Mr. Friedman with his intolerant and hateful manner. Arrogant. It doesn’t work that way, you have to be able to criticize Israel’s politics in Germany without being pushed into that corner.
Anyone who criticizes Ariel Sharon is placed in the corner of anti-Semitism by certain people in Germany. I forbid that in the strongest sense. I fear that hardly anyone has attracted more popularity to the anti-Semites that exist in Germany, unfortunately who we have to fight, than Mr. Sharon and, in Germany, Mr. Friedman with his intolerant and hateful manner. Arrogant. It doesn’t work that way, you have to be able to criticize Israel’s politics in Germany without being pushed into that corner.
Author Bio:
Jürgen Möllemann (1945-2003)
Möllemann was an FDP politician and held the office of Federal Minister for Education between 1987 and 1991 and Federal Minister of Economics between 1991 and 1993.
Interview in today’s Jorunal May 16, 2002
In the so-called Möllemann affair 2002/2003, Möllemann’s sharp criticism of Israel’s actions against Palestinians and the expressed understanding for suicide bombings cross-party contradiction and criticism emerged.
Further Reading:
I am German and I do not want to accept that our beautiful Germany, our freedom and even our humanity goes to the dogs. And she will go to the dogs if we don’t drive this gang that holds the state in its claws and torments the people to the devil. When the government locks the people up. Then the people must lock up the government.
I am German and I do not want to accept that our beautiful Germany, our freedom and even our humanity goes to the dogs. And she will go to the dogs if we don’t drive this gang that holds the state in its claws and torments the people to the devil. When the government locks the people up. Then the people must lock up the government.
Author Bio:
Jürgen Elsässer (born 1957) is a journalist, publicist and activist. In 2009 he founded the “popular initiative against finance capital”, one of the most powerful circles of the New Right. Since 2010 he has been editor-in-chief of Compact Magazin, one of the most important media for the New Right.
speech on April 15, 2021 in Berlin.
In 2014 and 2015 he appeared as a spokesman for the Pegida movement, in 2020 and 2021 for the lateral thinking movement. He openly represents cross-hostile, racist and sexist narratives and regularly uses conspiracy myths in his arguments.
Further Reading:
I do not want to kill or slaughter the Jews, nor do I want to drive them out of the country; I do not want to take anything from them, of what they once have, but I want to revise them, namely to revise funditus. False tolerance and sentimentality, painful weakness and fear should no longer prevent us Christians from taking action against the excesses, excesses and presumptions of Judaism. We can no longer tolerate the Jews everywhere pushing themselves to the fore, at the top, everywhere the leadership usurping the big word. They always push us Christians aside, they press us against the wall, they take our air and breath away. They actually rule over us […]. In the whole of world history there is no second example of a homeless people, a physically and psychologically decidedly degenerate race, ruling the world solely through cunning and cunning, through usury and bargaining.
I do not want to kill or slaughter the Jews, nor do I want to drive them out of the country; I do not want to take anything from them, of what they once have, but I want to revise them, namely to revise funditus. False tolerance and sentimentality, painful weakness and fear should no longer prevent us Christians from taking action against the excesses, excesses and presumptions of Judaism. We can no longer tolerate the Jews everywhere pushing themselves to the fore, at the top, everywhere the leadership usurping the big word. They always push us Christians aside, they press us against the wall, they take our air and breath away. They actually rule over us […]. In the whole of world history there is no second example of a homeless people, a physically and psychologically decidedly degenerate race, ruling the world solely through cunning and cunning, through usury and bargaining.
Author Bio:
Otto Glagau (1834-1892)
Glagau appeared at the end of the 19th century as a journalist for the Berlin national newspaper. In his o.s. Scripture accused the Jews of using unfair and devious methods of dominating finance and capitalism as a whole. Glagau’s considerable financial loss in the so-called Founder’s Crash of 1873, for which he also blamed the Jews, may not have been insignificant.
Otto Glagau: The stock market and start-up fraud in Berlin. Leipzig 1876, XXIV.
Glagau appeared at the end of the 19th century as a journalist for the Berlin national newspaper. In his o.s. Scripture accused the Jews of using unfair and devious methods of dominating finance and capitalism as a whole. Glagau’s considerable financial loss in the so-called Founder’s Crash of 1873, for which he also blamed the Jews, may not have been insignificant.
Further Reading:
There is no German trading town that does not have many honorable, respectable Jewish companies; but it is indisputable that Semitism has a large share in the lies and deceit, in the cheeky greed of the founding malevolence, a grave complicity in that disgraceful materialism of our day, which regards every work only as business and stifles the old, leisurely enthusiasm for work of our people threatens; In thousands of German villages sits the Jew who sprawls out his neighbors.
There is no German trading town that does not have many honorable, respectable Jewish companies; but it is indisputable that Semitism has a large share in the lies and deceit, in the cheeky greed of the founding malevolence, a grave complicity in that disgraceful materialism of our day, which regards every work only as business and stifles the old, leisurely enthusiasm for work of our people threatens; In thousands of German villages sits the Jew who sprawls out his neighbors.
Author Bio:
Heinrich von Treitschke (1834-1896) gained fame as a historian and member of the Reichstag. He has published extensively on German history and social science issues.
Heinrich von Treitschke, Our prospects, Berlin 1879, 574
In the essay “Our prospects” published by him in 1879, he denied the Jews any will to assimilate, attacked them as opponents of national unification and let the contribution culminate in the sentence later adopted by the Nazis: “The Jews are our misfortune”. Treitschke’s contribution also triggered the Berlin anti-Semitism dispute, in which various historians debated the so-called “Jewish question”.
Further Reading:
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=B28194D4357502E79534B28194D4357502E79534&q=heinrich von treitschke&shtp=GetUrl&shid=164af482-bcac-48d0-ab9a-3ff8ce476737&shtk=IkRpZSBKdWRlbiBzaW5kIHVuc2VyIFVuZ2zDvGNrISIgLSBIZWlucmljaCBUcmVpdHNjaGtlIC0gRWluZSB0eXBpc2NoIGRldXRzY2hlIEdlc2NoaWNodGUuLi4%3D&shdk=XCJEaWUgSnVkZW4gc2luZCB1bnNlciBVbmdsw7xjayFcIiAtIEhlaW5yaWNoIFRyZWl0c2Noa2UgLSBFaW5lIHR5cGlzY2ggZGV1dHNjaGUgR2VzY2hpY2h0ZS4uLiBNZWhyIEluZm9zOiBodHRwOi8vd3d3LnplaXQuZGUvMjAwMi8yNS8yMDAyMjVfYS10cmVpdHNjaGtlX3htbCBodHRwczovL2RlLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9IZWlucmljaF92b25fVHJlaXRzY2hrZSNCZXJsaW5lcl9BbnRpc2VtaXRpc211c3N0cmVpdCBNZWluIFRpcHA6IFwiRGFzIFdlbHRlcm9iZXJ1bmdzcHJvZ3JhbW0gZGVyIEp1ZGVuXCIgLSBEaWUgUHJvdG9rb2xsZSBkZXIgV2Vpc2VuIHZvbiBaaW9uIFx1MDAyNiAuLi4%3D&shhk=oaKLxMrg9O5xGVwMGjXJCa9Fz2KuopZ7tB4UgilG4To%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.tdzfipnlffECuToq7MhJBQEsCn
One must not forget that anti-Semitism is particularly strongly represented in Muslim cultures.
One must not forget that anti-Semitism is particularly strongly represented in Muslim cultures.
Author Bio:
Philipp Amthor (born 1992) has been a member of the German Bundestag for the CDU since 2017.
NTV Interview January 27, 2019
In 2021, a photo appeared with Amthor and two self-confessed neo-Nazis at a horse festival. The men in the photo wore solidarity shirts for the Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck. Amthor later stated that the photo was not taken if he had noticed the expression of solidarity between the two.
Further Reading:
“All the mankind knows and admits that two peoples, two races are singular among all the others: the Greeks and the Jews. They stand out by their religiosity and their mentality. That’s why the second are fighting against us, they loath us. An atheist spurns all the religions. The Jews spurn Hellenism, who is identified with Orthodoxy. Because the two of them [Hellenism and Ortjodoxy] have an extraordinary power, when they go hand in hand”.
“All the mankind knows and admits that two peoples, two races are singular among all the others: the Greeks and the Jews. They stand out by their religiosity and their mentality. That’s why the second are fighting against us, they loath us. An atheist spurns all the religions. The Jews spurn Hellenism, who is identified with Orthodoxy. Because the two of them [Hellenism and Ortjodoxy] have an extraordinary power, when they go hand in hand”.
Author Bio:
Theophilos, metropolitan of Gortyna and Megalopolis (1970-2006), born Athanasios Kanavos (1921-2006).
Μητροπολίτου Γόρτυνος και Μεγαλοπόλεως Θεοφίλου, «Η ουσία της γιορτής της Χριστιανοσύνης», Τύπος της Κυριακής, 22/4/2001 [Theophilos, metropolitan of Gortyna and Megalopolis, “The essence of the Christiandom’s feast”, newspaper “Typos tis Kyriakis”, 22/4/2001]
This quote reflects very well what can be called “banal antisemitism” (after the paradigm of Michel Billig’s “banal nationalism”): a way of thinking shared by a large number of ordinary people, not the usual loudmouthed antisemites of the Far Right. Metropolitan Theophilos, for example, was a mainstream, conservative prelate; “Typos tis Kyriakis”, the newspaper that hosted his article, is not a fascist outlet but the Sunday edition of the mainstream conservative “Eleftheros Typos”, a newspaper identified since 1984 with the New Democracy party. Theophilos’ article was published on the occasion of Easter and dealt mostly with the allegedly “anti-religious” policies of the PASOK government then in power. The previous year, the Greek Orthodox Church had mobilized its followers against the removal of religious affiliation from the citizens’ new ID cards. This measure had been attributed by the right-wing faction of New Democracy, who had just formed the LAOS party (Popular Orthodox Rally), not only to “international Jewish pressure” on the Greek government but also to an imaginary “Jewish descent” of the Greek Prime Minister of those days, Kostas Simitis.
Further Reading:
Δημήτρης Ψαρράς, Το κρυφό χέρι του Καρατζαφέρη. Η τηλεοπτική αναγέννηση στης ελληνικής Ακροδεξιάς, Athens: Alexandreia, 2010, pp.104-108.
“We have been recently witnessing a terrific growth of the Jewish population of our town, mainly due to the daily arrival and settlement here of many new families coming from various places. If this current of settlement here goes on for some time, Kavalla will acquire within a few years the appearance of an entirely Jewish town and will be transformed into a second Salonica. This settlement is unfortunately considerably facilitated by the three big Jewish factories that exist in our town, owned by Allatini, Vix and Eskenazy, who are gradually substituting little by little their current Greek workers with Jew ones. If your Excellency agrees that we take various serious measures against the Jews, in cooperation with the [local Greek Orthodox] Community, and wage a systematic underground economic war against them, we can probably check a little bit this current and curb their settlement here that is growing day by day”.
“We have been recently witnessing a terrific growth of the Jewish population of our town, mainly due to the daily arrival and settlement here of many new families coming from various places. If this current of settlement here goes on for some time, Kavalla will acquire within a few years the appearance of an entirely Jewish town and will be transformed into a second Salonica. This settlement is unfortunately considerably facilitated by the three big Jewish factories that exist in our town, owned by Allatini, Vix and Eskenazy, who are gradually substituting little by little their current Greek workers with Jew ones. If your Excellency agrees that we take various serious measures against the Jews, in cooperation with the [local Greek Orthodox] Community, and wage a systematic underground economic war against them, we can probably check a little bit this current and curb their settlement here that is growing day by day”.
Author Bio:
Nikolaos Souidas (Greek Vice-Consul in Kavalla) to the Foreign Minister Alexandros Skouzes, Kavalla, Sept. 29, 1907, No.407.
Historical Archive of the Greek Foreign Ministry, file 1907/5
The preponderance of the Israelite community of Salonica, the main harbor and city of Ottoman Macedonia (61.439 inhabitants or 39% of its population according to the first Greek census in 1913), was considered as a negative factor for Greek irredentism. Kavalla was the region’s second port. According to the Ottoman census of 1905, it was inhabited mostly by Greek-speaking Orthodox Christians (11.242) and Moslem Turks (8.562), plus 1.862 Jews and around 1.000 unregistered Slav sojourners; it was, therefore, considered as one of the main Greek strongholds in Southern Macedonia. The Greek politico-military apparatus had already been waging since 1906 a drastic economic war, coupled with a number of terrorist attacks, against the smaller Bulgarian communities in both Salonica and Kavalla. In Salonica, recommendations by local Greek merchants for an enlargement of the scope of such operations, in order to hit their Jew professional rivals, were tactfully turned down by the leaders of the Greek Organization, who were very conscious to avoid an eventual dangerous backlash. It seems that. for similar reasons, the Vice-Consul’s suggestion for “a systematic underground economic war against the Jews” in Kavalla did not materialize. The town was finally incorporated into the Greek state after the second Balkan war, in 1913.
Further Reading:
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts. Christians, Moslems and Jews, 1430-1950. N. York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005, pp.252-254; Αθανάσιος Σουλιώτης Νικολαΐδης, Ο Μακεδονικός Αγών. Η Οργάνωσις Θεσσαλονίκης, 1906-1908. Απομνημονεύματα, Thessaloniki: Society for Macedonian Studies – Institute for Balkan Studies, 1959.
„Following the dethronement of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, as known for all, the Ottoman administration was taken over by the statesmen controlled by the Jewish League Zion and known as Committee for Union and Progress. The same Union and Progress organized its huge congress in Salonica with all of its parliamentarians on an October day of 1325 (1909) – whose exact date I cannot remember anymore. In a secret meeting, a smaller commission consisting of leading persons and chairmen answered the question of “How will be Turkey ruled?” which was posed by the Zionist League and its sub-organization East Jews Masonic Lodge with the following resolution listed as four points:
1- The influence and power of the religion in Turkey will be ruptured,
2- The financial resources of the country will be distributed among brothers,
3- Caliphate will be disassociated from the sultanate and thus weakened,
4- The republic will be declared and the dynasty eradicated at the earliest possible date.”
„Following the dethronement of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, as known for all, the Ottoman administration was taken over by the statesmen controlled by the Jewish League Zion and known as Committee for Union and Progress. The same Union and Progress organized its huge congress in Salonica with all of its parliamentarians on an October day of 1325 (1909) – whose exact date I cannot remember anymore. In a secret meeting, a smaller commission consisting of leading persons and chairmen answered the question of “How will be Turkey ruled?” which was posed by the Zionist League and its sub-organization East Jews Masonic Lodge with the following resolution listed as four points:
1- The influence and power of the religion in Turkey will be ruptured,
2- The financial resources of the country will be distributed among brothers,
3- Caliphate will be disassociated from the sultanate and thus weakened,
4- The republic will be declared and the dynasty eradicated at the earliest possible date.”
Author Bio:
Mevlanzade was a Kurdish Ottoman author and journalist who witnessed the period of upheaval from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic as a politically active person, while producing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. He spent his last years as an exile of the Turkish Republic in the French Mandate Syria and was active in the founding of the then Kurdish movement Xoybun.
Mevlanzade Rıfat Bey (2013): Siyonistler Osmanlıyı Nasıl Yıktı? Derin Tarih Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul. S. 70
His anti-Semitic texts have been rediscovered in Turkey in the last 10 – 15 years, especially by the Islamist and national-conservative circles, and have been republished and transliterated without any critical comments. The book of Mevlanzade, from which the quotation below is, was first published in 1923 during his exile in Constanza, Romania.
Further Reading:
Yetkin, E. Y. (2018): Imperialer Wahn und Untergangsfantasien. Zum Antisemitismus der konservativ-nationalistischen Szene in der Türkei. In: Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung 27. Metropol Verlag. S. 204–228
„The Gezi events were a project just like the leading person of CHP. It’s a project of treason to fetter Turkey, to obstruct the holy march of our nation. Historians will write how we tore the shroud which was planned for our nation thanks to our unity and fraternity. That person who praised the Gezi events, who glorified the vandals of Gezi, who raised insane accusations against us and who again was the investor of Gezi terrorists is now in jail. The well-known Hungarian Jew Soros has backed him. That man has so much money and has simply instructed some people to divide nations. In the same way, his henchman in Turkey is rich from his father and the one who supports terror – regardless of which type – by any means in order to divide this nation. He is now imprisoned. Why should our justice take someone innocent?”
„The Gezi events were a project just like the leading person of CHP. It’s a project of treason to fetter Turkey, to obstruct the holy march of our nation. Historians will write how we tore the shroud which was planned for our nation thanks to our unity and fraternity. That person who praised the Gezi events, who glorified the vandals of Gezi, who raised insane accusations against us and who again was the investor of Gezi terrorists is now in jail. The well-known Hungarian Jew Soros has backed him. That man has so much money and has simply instructed some people to divide nations. In the same way, his henchman in Turkey is rich from his father and the one who supports terror – regardless of which type – by any means in order to divide this nation. He is now imprisoned. Why should our justice take someone innocent?”
Author Bio:
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a Turkish Politician. He started his carrer as Major of Istanbul (1994-1998). Later he became Primeminister of Turkey (2003-2014). Since 2014 he is President of Turkey.
In 2013, Osman Kavala is said to have attempted to overthrow the Erdogan government in connection with the Gezi protests. It’s the end of a contentious trial that many Western countries see as politically motivated. The European Court of Human Rights ordered Osman Kavala’s release in 2019. In 2022, Kavala was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Further Reading:
to 1600
to 1700
to 1800
to 1850
to 1900
to 1925
to 1950
to 1975
to 1990
to 2000
to 2010